I love how instead of using the transformers sfx you used the sfx from other Super Nintendo games
I love how instead of using the transformers sfx you used the sfx from other Super Nintendo games
As someone who eats coca-Cola this seems completely normal for Daisy.
OK I tried looking up the batcan to see if it was real it isn’t but I did find something similar and better then it.
It’s called “The Batcan”. it looks like goblin made out of metal that kind of looks like Batman.
You know at first I thought Christian Mingle was a funny little joke you made up.
But now I do know it's an actual website so I now know that that exist thank you.
I like his vocabulary. Very impressive.
I got to say this new Friday night funkin anime is pretty good.
BF just straight up turned the dad into a used toothpaste bottle.
Your local sleep deprived artist
Age 21, dic
Newgrounds High School
A swamp
Joined on 1/14/21